Come and join us for a CASA AvSafety Seminar at the Lone Eagle Flying School at Clifton on the Darling Downs.
Venue: Lone Eagle Flying School
Date: Saturday 10 September 2022
Time: 10:30am until 12:30pm
The schedule will follow the approximate timings:
Presentation –– titled “Pushing the envelope?” 10:30am until 12:30pm
Refreshments to be served at a time that suits
Speaker(s) Rob Whittle CASA Aviation Safety Advisor(s)
Following the CASA Safety Seminar there will be a free sausage sizzle BBQ lunch held at the Lone Eagle Flying School for all in attendance.
About this event:
CASA Aviation Safety Advisors will be delivering a new AvSafety seminar in 2022 titled “Pushing the envelope”
Using case studies, the seminar explores:
General competency
Fatigue and distractions
Runway incursions
Go arounds
The seminar will explore some of the human factors which have contributed to accidents and incidents both in Australia and overseas.
It doesn't matter what your experience level is - human factor knowledge will complement your technical knowledge which leads to a safer aviation environment for all. The seminar will review the resources available and provide practical hints and tips to help pilots operate safely and efficiently.
The seminars are an ideal opportunity for industry to interact with CASA, discuss local issues and ask questions of the regulator.
COVID-19 Update: We will be following state and territory guidelines and working closely with the venues to provide sensible precautions such as arranging seating to give extra space and making hand sanitiser available. If you are unwell with a cough or fever or other respiratory symptoms, we ask you to please not attend. If you have recently travelled internationally, we would also appreciate if you could review and follow any Department of Health advise relevant to you.
Help make the Skies safe for all, attend a CASA AvSafety seminar in 2022. For all enquiries or if you have any special requirements please contact your local Aviation Safety Advisor on 131 757.
Stay up-to-date with CASA’s AvSafety Seminars by subscribing to the ‘AvSafety Seminars’ mailing list at
